Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kansas: Outlaw Territory

Kansas hospitality

So here's what happened in Kansas, in rough chronological order:

A yellow jacket slammed stinger-first into my neck at 70 mph, causing a huge swollen mass that almost caused me to be denied service at Subway.

I befriended a former oil-refinery electrician/Hell's Angel at a motel who filled me in on the the drug habits of the guys who ran the crude-oil cracking tower as well as what happens if one happens to spill hydroflouric acid on themselves.

I caused a stir among the Independence, KS Walmart staff by changing my oil in the parking lot, spilling a majority of it on the pavement and then handing the still-warm remainder in an oily soda bottle to the prim woman in charge of the Lube department.

I motored through a Dodge City friday night, the whole town steeped in an ammonia haze from the giant US BEEF plant in the center of town.

I happily left for Colorado.

Bury me on the lone prairie.

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